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Career Coaching
for Aspiring Data Professionals

with Monica Kay Royal

You're closer to a data career than you think!

Are you feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or uncertain about your transition into a data career? You're not alone. Many talented professionals like you are navigating the challenges of career change. With so much information out there and advice flying around, it's easy to feel lost and like you're missing out on opportunities.


I help career changers who are frustrated by the lack of clear guidance and practical experience in traditional data programs by providing personalized guidance and support for aspiring data professionals from all backgrounds.

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This is for you if you feel challenged by:


  • Lack of clear direction: Not knowing where to start or which skills to prioritize.

  • Overwhelming options: Feeling inundated by the sheer volume of courses, tools, and advice available.

  • Imposter syndrome: Doubting your abilities and experience, especially when coming from a non-traditional background and having little experience in the data field.

  • Networking: Difficulty building connections in a new territory where you don't know many data professionals.

  • Interviewing: Difficulty showcasing your transferable skills to potential employers when you don't have a professional background in data.



My career coaching program addresses these challenges head-on, offering:


  • Personalized career roadmaps: Tailored guidance based on your background, skills, and goals.

  • Curated learning resources: Hand-picked content to focus your efforts and avoid information overload.

  • Practical project experience: Build a portfolio of real-world projects to demonstrate your skills.

  • Networking strategies: Learn how to effectively connect with others in the field.

  • Interviewing strategies: Learn how to showcase your value to potential employers to land a data job.



How this all works:


  • We start off with a 30 minute Strategy Call to:

    • Define Your Career Aspirations: Get really clear on what it is that you would like to achieve with your career,

    • Identify Your Challenges: Talk about the obstacles preventing you from from achieving your career goals, and

    • Agree on Working Together: Decide if you'd like to move forward and work with me as your career coach.


  • From there we'll have regular calls to build a personalized strategy to help you achieve your goals by leveraging your current skills and knowledge.

  • After each session, you will have a game plan to work towards and include valuable tips and resources to support your progress.



I'm committed to helping you achieve your data career dreams. Whether you're looking for a more fulfilling career or the opportunity to make a real-world impact, this program will equip you with the tools and confidence to succeed.


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